The Diocesan Bishop of Wiawso, Most Rev. Joseph Francis Kweku Essien in consultation with the College of Consultors, on 30th September 2020, has issued a decree altering the existing Bibiani Deanery. A new Deanery, i.e., Wiawso Deanery has been created out of the existing Bibiani Deanery, bringing the total number of Deaneries to five. They are: Bibiani, Wiawso, Asafo, Adjoafua and Enchi Deaneries.
The Parishes making up the Wiawso Deanery are:
St. Joseph Cathedral, Wiawso
St. Mary Parish, Dwinase
St. Andrew Parish, Aboduam
St. John the Baptist Rectorate, Datano
St. Joseph Parish, Nsawora
The Parishes making up the Bibiani Deanery are:
St. Teresa Parish, Bibiani
Christ the King Parish, Kyekyewere
St. Anthony Parish, Chirano
St. Francis Xavier Parish, Awaso
Immaculate Conception Rectorate, Atronsu
St. Benedict Parish, Bekwai